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海外から事務局にお見舞いのメッセージが届いていますので、ご紹介いたします・・・・ 1.元タンザニアワーカーの清水さんからのメールでのお知らせ   日本のために祈る。↓   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ScrNx6vwaA  「本当に素敵な映像です。   私が作成したのではなく、youtubeで流れていたのを友人が   教えてくれたのです。色々な方が勇気づけられると思うので   流していいものだと思います。」 2. JOCSメールニュースメンバーの方が、以下のメッセージを転送してくださいました。 被災地の方々のためにテゼのBr. Aloisがメッセージをだしておられます。 イタリアのテゼ仲間が送ってくれたものだそうです。 Message from Brother Alois to the friends of Taize in Japan To our friends in Japan, With all our brothers, both in Taize and in the fraternities, we share in the ordeal that has struck Japan, for you know how much your country is dear to us. Our hearts suffer and weep with those who are suffering. When we are bewildered by the incomprehensible suffering of the innocent, we wish to be witnesses to the compassion of God, and through our prayer we wish to support you in your grief; you, your families, the Churches in Japan, so many young people that we know, and all the people of your country. Right from the first day, in the church in Taize, we have confided to God all the victims of the earthquake, and in church today I said this prayer: “Christ Jesus, we wish to remain close to you and to confide to you the sorrow of all those who know human suffering on the earth. We pray to you for the victims of the earthquake and the tsunami in Japan; we confide to you those close to us and our friends who live in this country in its distress. On all of them, we invoke your presence of compassion.” I remain very fraternally close to each one of you. Brother Alois Prior of Taize 3. 事務局にも、海外の以下方々から、お見舞いのメッセージが届いています。 (バンコク)河村美和子様 (バングラデシュ)Dr. M. Stephen Chowdhury, BDP、Uttaran、PIME Sisters, Sr.Elena, PIME Father, Fr. Giulio Berutti, Dr.Edric Baker(カイラクリ), The Bengal Tours, ドエルハウス (インド)Mr.S.Veluchamy CFH, Dr.Ravi and Shobha George, (パキスタン)Sr. Eufemia Glenny(聖ラファエル病院), (インドネシア)Sinar Kasih Hospital Tentena, Dr. Yonbert Larobu, (ネパール)Shakuntala Tamang, Thanju(タンセン看護学校), (タンザニア)Fr.Paul steve Chobo(タボラ大司教区) チャンドラゴーナのCHCステファン院長からは、以下のような暖かいお言葉もい ただいています。 remember you have another home to stay temporarily at CHC in case of worse situation where you and your friends will have to leave the country for short/unspecified time. We will be there to welcome you at CHC. I am saying this from the bottom of my heart. At the same time I strongly hope that kind of situation will never occur.