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The first JOCS health professional was sent to Indonesia in 1961. Since then, JOCS has sent over 70 health professionals, such as doctors, nurses, midwives, physical/occupational therapists, public health care workers and nutritionists to 11 countries in Asia and Africa: India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Taiwan, Indonesia, Thailand, Pakistan, Nigeria, Uganda and Tanzania. Currently, a health professional is working in Bangladesh and one is in Tanzania.
JOCS cooperates to improve healthcare services in Asia and Africa through providing scholarship to those who seek to work for the local people and contribute to their communities. JOCS puts a high priority on applicants who are engaged in Primary Health Care (PHC) activities at the grass-roots level. Over 600 health-care workers have received JOCS scholarship for their further study/training. We value the connection with the scholarship students through annual reports from them and their messages published in our newsletter.
Collaboration Project with Local Organizations JOCS and partner organization design, monitor and evaluate healthcare project together. By collaborating with local organizations to run the project, it becomes possible to utilize local people’s abilities and achieve goals more effectively.
April, 2010 to March, 2015
14 Schools Operated by BDP (Dhaka, Pubail Areas), for about 3,000 students
Children of the target groups and adolescent girls to gain knowledge about health and conduct oneself accordingly.
BDP (Basic Development Partners) is an organization ACEF (The Asia Christian Education Fund) supports. Founded in 1990. BDP constructed and runs kindergartens, elementary schools, vocational training schools, etc… in areas where there are not enough schools run by the government. BDP is currently running 75 elementary schools (total of roughly 8,000 students) in 5 prefectures such as Dhaka.