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About Us

Our Mission

The fundamental value of JOCS comes from the words of Bible, “Just as I have loved you, you should love each other (John 13:34).” JOCS supports spontaneous activities of grass-roots people in Asia and Africa through dispatch of workers and scholarship programs.

Our Mission


  • Implement health and medical cooperation activities which involve personal exchanges.
  • Prioritize marginalized people as target beneficiaries.
  • Promote activities of JOCS and train personnel who would contribute to health and medical cooperation activities overseas in the future.


In 1938, Medical doctors and students, nurses and other health professionals formed a medical team to serve people in China. In those days, many Chinese became refugees because of the invasion of Japanese army. A Japanese pastor called for helping out the plight of people in China. This medical service provided the foundation for the JOCS today.

After the WWⅡ, Christian health professionals of all over Japan including members of the medical team mentioned above founded “Japan Christian Medical Association (JCMA)” and started voluntary medical services.

In 1958, representatives of JCMA attended the East Asia Christian Health Personnel Conference in Hong Kong and expressed that JCMA would provide oppotunities for Asian health professionals to receive trainings. After this announcement, JCMA received numerous requests from overseas for training and dispatching of health professionals. In order to meet these demand, JOCS was founded in 1960.


JOCS was established to acknowledge the war and mistakes of Japan to people in Asia, and to express the wish for reconciliation and peace in the future.


JOCS has the legal status as “Public Interest Incorporated Association” based in Japan. Annual general assembly of members is the highest decision-making body of the organization which approves annual financial statement and elects board members and auditors. The board members have responsibilities over JOCS activities. Offices in Tokyo and Osaka conduct daily operations. For independence and neutrality of the activities, JOCS solely relys on donations from its members and supporters, but not subsidies from any governments or private companies.

Each worker stays in his/her assigned country for at least three years so that he/she can develop a mutual and trustworthy relationship with the receiving party/people. They also bring back their unique experiences to share with our supporters back in Japan to broaden our horizons.

Contact Information

JOCS Headquarters
2-3-18-51, Nishiwaseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan 169-0051
E-mail: info●jocs.or.jp (replace ● with @.)
Tel: +81-3-3208-2416 Fax: +81-3-3232-6922